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Education is the great equalizer when it comes to income inequality. We need to focus as much on post secondary as we do on Pre-K and on K-12. Post secondary does not just mean a 4 year college, and it doesn't mean moving on from someone because they graduated High School. 

We have a fantastic education system in the state of Minnesota where we have some of the highest test scores overall, yet we have one of the largest racial disparity gaps in the country. We need to fix that. 

We also need to expand access to, and start being more proactive in encouraging young people to look at vocational and technical colleges. Why do we think that once a child turns 18 that they are done learning? We need to do more to support young people into adulthood so they are not starting so far behind. 

Prepared and paid for by Edel for House Campaign Committee Box 348 Medford MN. 55049
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